Frozen Chocolate Pops
Hello, Summer! One of the many things you can do with Jenni's UGLY Hot Chocolate or Emergency Chocolate is make some deliciously chill frozen chocolate pops. 
See video here.
If you love our Hot Chocolate, you can now enjoy it during the summer months by making chocolatey popsicles. Just follow these simple (and flexible) directions:
- Mix Jenny's UGLY Hot Chocolate or Emergency Chocolate and hot water using a 1:1 ratio. Mix until all of the chocolate is melted.
- Pour into an ice tray or silicone popsicle mold. Leave room for expansion. If you use a popsicle mold like this one, you won't need to worry about step 3!
- After a couple of hours, you'll be able to stick in popsicle sticks. The pops should be solid enough for the stick to stand up, but not so solid that you can't poke a hole.
- Freeze until solid and enjoy!